A recent article by Shawn Vandergrift in CHURHLEADERS cited that there are 4 things in general that people want from a church: (1) acceptance, (2) accountability, (3) discipleship and (4) opportunity. I have also benefitted from the insights of the newest members of our church in a setting where some members who have been here for many years could hear and respond to that insight. I have learned a great deal about our church.
Let’s talk about acceptance, the article touches on the issue of relationship building beyond the first visit. This is something I strive to do but must be done in layers by the various ministries in the church, which means you. This is church done well. That is where Life Groups become absolutely essential. When we engaged in 9 weeks of Life Group competition, everything went up, that is our morale, all of our metrics, our outreach, our first-time guests, and our assurance that when we work a plan, the work gets done. God blessed the effort to His glory. Let’s remember what happened: Our July LG attendance average was 100. August 119, September 124. That’s average attendance. We also had 32 first time guests during that time because we believed and we worked. God did it! What about accountability? I think we just covered that in the 9-week competition discussion, we inspected, what we expected for the competition. We held our Life Groups accountable to do the very basics well and the numbers don’t lie, it made a difference. By doing so, we held individuals accountable to attend Life Group and Worship and it made a difference in the life of our church. Our life groups should be teaching how to live the Christian life and equipping believers for spiritual growth and life and that is the 3rd want, we call this discipleship. So, the fourth want is opportunity, to have a place to be useful to God’s glory. When the same group of people do the same old things over and over opportunities are limited and growing believers will seek out opportunities in another place. We are supposed to be facilitating those opportunities here in our own church, which means in order to grow we have to involve more volunteers not less. We need to seek out fresh ideas and hidden talent and encourage people to use their gifts to the glory of God. I have heard the cry for a more a more meaningful worship service that doesn’t seem rushed and I know the need for qualitative Life Groups like we have discussed above and your church staff has heard you. Do you also know we doubled our Sunday night attendance by offering discipleship classes on Sunday afternoon? In our first term of C-1:28 Discipleship Classes, we engaged over 60 people in more detailed Bible Teaching and Biblical Life Application than a Sunday night service provides, which from an attendance perspective over double of the amount of people coming to a Sunday night service. The upside of what we did on Sunday nights, that the critics don’t measure: (1) We got more people involved in direct discipleship, twice as many. (2) We gave young families more time to be at home as a family together, something their jobs and schools take away from them, to their detriment. (3) Our direct discipleship offered these families a chance to learn the biblical family model in C-1:28 without adding to night time obligations and taking away family time. (4) We made time and space to start new Life Groups but this got occluded by the negativity associated with something that we had not done before, in place of something we had always done (Sunday Night service). Holding on to an idea of something that is good and is important, but not viewed as such by the overwhelming majority of the church who have already voted with their feet, long before this pastor ever showed up. The goal is not, nor will it ever be, to do less for the kingdom. We have proven that we did more kingdom work through C-1:28 than a Sunday night service could ever do. Well, if we had David Jeremiah as the preacher, we could have a Sunday night service. NOPE, Shadow Mountain doesn’t offer a Sunday night service either, because people do NOT attend Sunday night services very well. They do have a Saturday night service, and we can talk about that if you like, it might could work. Calvary Baptist in Oak Grove has to do what will connect the gospel message and Great Commission church work with the people in our community. Remember growing churches do things differently, not because they are growing but because they made necessary modifications in order to become a growing church. We found that Sunday at 4 works for a significant number of people in our church. We do have Sunday Night of Worship every quarter, the next one is April 2nd on Palm Sunday at 6PM. If you have been frustrated because we haven’t had church on Sunday night, please make the most of this and save the date, right now! If you do not show up when we have Sunday night services, you forfeit your right to complain. We are going to bring in something new, that our church needs and needs desperately called Sunday Night Celebration which will meet 8 consecutive Sunday Nights for a different kind of worship and prayer service. It will start at 6PM on Sunday Feb. 12th and the only way to understand what it is, is to be there. We haven’t done this before and it will be unlike anything you have ever seen on a Sunday night. So, vote with your feet, as we will hold 8 meetings in a row and measure the support and effectiveness. We will see how your feet vote! Hey wait, what about a more meaningful worship service on Sunday mornings one that doesn’t feel rushed and has more time for different elements of worship to be incorporated at times? That is a great question. We have a plan for that as well as we process the input from various members, there seems to be a consensus for a more meaningful worship service, especially since we now have the business meetings after the morning worship service. Another thing we could consider is putting the financial report out monthly, but holding our business meeting quarterly. If a business meeting needs to be called, we can call one. These are all things that growing churches have considered and modified to make the church service more of a worship service and less of a civic club meeting. Leaders lead, which always involves modification. You don’t need a leader to maintain the status quo. Andy Goode Lead Pastor
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Dear Calvary Family,
Would you please join me on a 21 day journey that we will begin on Sunday October 9th. I have listed below a different passage, for each day, to guide us on the 21 day journey and here are some suggestions: In addition to giving you the complete list here, each day a scripture passage will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and on our website: calvaryoakgrove.net as a prayer emphasis for the day. We will also make paper copies available for those not on the internet. Read the passage aloud as a prayer to God, talk to God about what you read, take time to let the word of God work in your heart. Make this a part of your daily devotional life and let us see where the Lord takes us on this 21 day journey, where we meditate on God's word each day. The 21 Days will end on Saturday October 29th, 2022 This a time for personal revival , a time to seek the Lord and a time for change and spiritual renewal. On Sunday October 30th, I hope that our church family comes together in a way like no other Sunday this year. Pray and believe! Consider if you can, some type of fast whether from 1 meal, 1 day, or for the 21 days. If not fasting from food, fasting from something to allow your focus to go to the Lord during this time. This is a private matter between you and God. Day One: Sunday Oct. 9th 2 Corinthians 3:12-16 (ESV) 12 Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. 14 But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. 15 Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. 16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Day Two: Monday Oct. 10th 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. Day Three Tuesday Oct. 11th Romans 12:1-2 (ESV) 1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Day Four Wednesday Oct. 12th Romans 12:3 (ESV) 3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. Day Five Thursday Oct. 13th Romans 12:9-11 (ESV) 9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Day Six Friday Oct. 14th Romans 12:12-16 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Day Seven Saturday Oct. 15th 2 Corinthians 7:1 (ESV) 1 Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God. Day Eight Sunday Oct. 16th 1 Peter 4:7-8 (ESV) 7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Day Nine Monday Oct. 17th 1 Peter 4:9 (ESV) 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. Day Ten Tuesday Oct. 18th 1Peter 4:10-11 (ESV) 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Day Eleven Wednesday Oct. 19th Psalm 32:5 (ESV) 5 I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah Day Twelve Thursday Oct. 20th Psalm 32:6 6 Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. Day Thirteen Friday Oct. 21st Psalm 51:1 (ESV) 1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Day Fourteen Saturday Oct. 22nd Psalm 51:2 (ESV) 2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! Day Fifteen Sunday Oct. 23rd Psalm 51:10 (ESV) 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Day Sixteen Monday Oct. 24th Psalm 51:12-14 (ESV) 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. 14 Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. Day Seventeen Tuesday Oct. 25th Isaiah 6:8 8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Day Eighteen Wednesday Oct. 26th Acts 1:8 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Day Nineteen Thursday Oct. 27th Matthew 9:36-38 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Day Twenty Friday Oct. 28th Matthew 28:19-20 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Day Twenty-one Saturday Oct. 29th Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Calvary Family: It is June and VBS is underway, I hope the July newsletter will be boasting of the work of Christ in our church and through each of you our Calvary volunteers.
We need to deal with some important items here in this month’s newsletter as a way of getting the discussion started. Let’s begin with Children’s Ministry. Our children’s ministry needs the utmost attention and our highest priority. I have some things to mention here that are not optional for us as a church if we are to be all that we can be in the Great Commission. 1. Background Checks: If you are a children’s worker or would like to be, we must have a background check completed on you. New workers will go through an orientation and personal interview which is part of our child safety protocol and our volunteer onboarding so that volunteers have the best possible opportunity serve Christ in our children’s ministry. 2. Check in and check out of children. As parents and grandparents, you will be expected to help us maintain the highest level of safety for our children by following the check-in and check-out procedures which has some additional expectations: a. We are going to as that older children not be in the nursery; older children should be in the appropriate area for their age. b. We will provide some guidelines on limiting who and how children are picked up from the nursery. c. As we increase security in our nursery, we will be limiting access to the nursery and children’s area but not limiting observation. This is the only way we can practice the highest degree of safety for our children. Please help us by setting an example of how to follow rules and guidelines. 3. Quality Classroom time is important. Our children’s teachers prepare lessons in advance, plan crafts and activities and it is important that we facilitate a learning environment that engages children. We strive to be more than a bay-sitting service at church. We are preparing the next generation of Christ followers, something we take seriously so think about interruptions and distractions that could arise by simply how and when a child is picked up and even by whom. (i.e. sometimes an older sibling might not realize that bursting into a room and shouting: “time to go” is a huge distraction to the entire class and disrespectful to our volunteers who plan and prepare with discipleship in mind.) 4. Adulting. I swore I would never use that word but it fits here. Come to church to be an adult either serving as teacher or leader in some area or by attending an adult class. When we have more adults in a children’s class than we do children, it is intimidating for children who are there to be a child and learn as a child. On a new subject but just talking about adulthood, let's discuss Life Groups. Your participation in a life group is essential to your growth as a Christian and as a church member. Christians are created to live in community, to share one another’s burdens, to know one another, pray for one another and to love one another. If you need help finding the right life group I want to help, please let me know. Also as adults who get to medical appointments on time, to jobs on time, to the theater on time, to a tee time on time and everything else, let’s remember Life Groups start at 9:45 and get there on time. Add some life, to Life Group, by bringing food, having fellowships and inviting your unchurched friends and neighbors to those fellowships. Looking ahead the next leaders meeting will be the first Sunday in August at 4PM. We are cancelling the June meeting because of VBS and the July meeting because it will be the Sunday before the 4th. We will also not hold evening services on the 4th . Here is a HUGE idea, when you see new faces at church or see new people joining invite them to your life group. Life Groups are important to our church and will ensure the continued growth of our church. Get a life…group today! Dr. Andy Goode, Lead Pastor From Worship Pastor Dr. Barndon Hardin Music Calvary Family, I wanted to let you know that I count it a privilege to serve and minister in this body of believers! You all continue to make my family and I feel welcome and we are looking forward to the months and years ahead! I want you to continue praying about how you can serve the Worship Ministry. We still need volunteers for out media team. I PROMISE that you do not have to be a tech genius to serve in this capacity! We have 3 opportunities to serve on the media team: 1. Slide Operator – responsible for the changing the slides on the screens. Minimal computer skills required (it is as simple as clicking a button). 2. Camera Operator – responsible for moving cameras for our livestream. A steady hand is all that is required. 3. Sound Operator – responsible for mixing audio during worship services. This position requires a good ear, but no prior experience is required. Training will be provided for each of these positions and it would greatly benefit our congregation and our current volunteers who are serving weekly. We will be launching an orchestra in the near future. I have already had a few people who have expressed interest. Did you play an instrument in high school/college? Are you in the band? We would love for you to join us! Please reach out to me if you are interested. Expected launch date is in the Fall. We also have opportunities to serve in the choir! If you enjoy singing, we would love for you to join us as we lead in congregational worship. No prior experience or music reading is required. The choir will be taking a few weeks off after Father’s Day to rest and rejuvenate for a brand-new choir season, which begins with our first rehearsal on July 20. Is July 20th the day YOU WILL JOIN THE CHOIR? Thank you for the kindness you have shown our family! May we never forget why we gather – to worship the triune God, who is the only one worthy of our praise! It is Him alone who calls us to worship, how will you respond? I leave you with the benediction (blessing) from the book of Jude, verses 24 & 25: Now to him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory, without blemish and with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen. In Christ, Brandon From Chase Coleman: Youth Ministry Due to the business of our summer schedule, D6, will be taking a break until August. All parents and grandparents of any age are welcome as we discuss the biblical call of raising a God-centered family! Psalm 19 Youth Trip Date: June 23-26 Place: Sevierville, TN Cost: $120… Balance due June 22 nd Psalm 19 reminds us that creation’s purpose is to point us back to God. This trip will allow students to reset their priorities for the coming year and take time to relax in God’s beautiful creation. Hiking, floating, Mountain views, etc.…. don’t miss out on a great adventure! Super Summer Date: July 11-15th Balance Due: July 10th $120 Preschool and Children's Ministry Children’s Choir will continue to meet Sunday nights at 5 P.M. There will be a special combined choir performance Sunday morning June 19th to celebrate Father’s Day. Children’s Choir isn’t just about learning new songs as each night we discuss the biblical statement each song promotes. We encourage all families with children to participate as we learn foundational TRUTHS about God! From Senior Adult Ministry I recently ate at a local Mexican restaurant with friends. After asking the waiter a question about the food, I said chili relleno please and pointed to a number on the menu, which was a combo plate including a chili relleno. When my food arrived, I had three items (two of which I didn't recognize) but no chili relleno. It seemed easier to just eat what I was served rather than trying to get another order with a chili relleno. It was obvious that a waiter who spoke very little English could not easily understand a southerner trying to order a Mexican dish. We often have problems communicating with other folks. Sometimes what we say just doesn't sound like what we mean. Proverbs 21:23 tells us: "Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity." But how do we "guard our mouth and tongue?" James 1:19 tells us: "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," Events in June: Tuesday, June 14th: Monthly Birthday Breakfast at Lake Serene Grocery on Hwy 11 at 8 a.m. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 7:45. Tuesday, June 28th: Monthly Luncheon/Business gathering at the church at 11:30 a.m. Bring a dish and a good appetite. In Christ, Rita Futral KILSBY Summer is here!!! Our Kilsby kiddos look forward to VBS each year. We have approximately 25 kids who will be attending. Please be in prayer for them. If you would like to show them some love, prayerfully consider purchasing a VBS T-shirt for one (or more) of them. The cost this year for the shirts is around $8. Please mark on your contribution KILSBY MINISTRY. For His Glory Alone! W.I.N.G.S. Hello Calvary Ladies, I forgot to mention in our last newsletter that we were able to make 3 baskets from the food donated for teacher appreciation. Teachers from Sumrall High, Oak Grove Upper and Lamar Christian enjoyed our snacks and I hope they felt our gratitude for all they do for our youth. Many of our Church attended and enjoyed watching Summer & our Oak Grove students preform in Shrek the Musical, nice job! We also have several meals made and frozen for Mission in the Kitchen, these meals will be available for emergencies such as illnesses & death but also for our shut-ins. Please add to the frozen meals, they will be used! Thank you to all the ladies who have made these meals!!! Our June events: 1) June5th - June 9th. Vacation Bible School Please come and help - there’s the perfect job for you! 2) June 13th - from 6:30 - 8pm planning for Women’s Conference at Temple Baptist Buy your tickets ASAP - $35 before June 12th or $44 afterwards Calvary family, I wanted to make you all aware of a fantastic ministry opportunity coming up in a few short months. WINGS, our women’s ministry, has partnered with Temple Baptist Church and countless other churches in the surrounding area to bring Jennifer Rothschild and her Fresh Ground Faith ministry to our community. The event will be October 7-8 th at Temple Baptist Church. The WINGS ministry is offering an extra discount of $35 for all tickets purchased on or before June 12th . Tickets will be $44 after June 12th . If you are unable to attend the event but would like to sponsor a ticket to bless someone else, we would welcome your donation! To purchase your ticket, go to the Welcome Desk before or after each worship service and fill out the signup sheet. Please do not put your ticket money in the offering plate as we want to guarantee your purchase is counted! If you would like to volunteer for the event or have any questions regarding the event, please see Jenalee Coleman. Now Until Father’s Day - June 19th. Baby Bottle Boomerang Pickup your empty bottle in the Foyer or the Hall, fill it with money to support Hope Clinic to further their mission to serve mother’s and their babies within our community. We appreciate any amount given! Looking ahead - We will start a new Bible Study on August 1st: “Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover” by Jennifer Rothchild Please pray for me as I am in Oklahoma taking care of my friend going through intense experimental cancer treatment, I miss all of you and will be praying for you! Debbie McBee Operation Christmas Child Ministry In 2021, the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) ministry of Samaritan’s Purse was able to reach children in more than 100 countries and territories. Through the ministry of shoeboxes, more than 9.1 million gifts were distributed to children. In the words of Franklin Graham, “Every shoebox represents an opportunity to reach one more child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Each year, Calvary members can support this ministry in several ways. • Families and individuals can pack shoeboxes and bring them to our Dedication Service. • Members can donate items to be used to fill boxes at our annual Packing Party. • Members can donate money to be used to ship the boxes filled at our Packing Party. • Members can participate in the annual Packing Party to fill shoeboxes with donated items. Samaritan’s Purse has announced that the cost of shipping a shoebox has increased from $9 per box to $10 per box this year. The OCC team will have several opportunities during the year for everyone to contribute to the cost of shipping the boxes packed at our Packing Party. Our first fundraiser was held in March when ladies in the church prepared items for a Bake Sale. At the sale, the Calvary family generously donated $741 that will be applied toward shipping costs. Three ways that you can support this ministry during the month of June are listed below. 1. Mark your calendars -- We are planning to have our second fundraiser on JUNE 12. We will have another Bake Sale that will begin at 9:30 before Life Groups meet. Please note that this will NOT be an ordinary Bake Sale -- The MEN of Calvary will be baking and/or cooking for this fundraiser! We are challenging the MEN bakers/cooks to bring irresistible items to sell so that we can exceed the donations of $741 from our last fundraiser. MEN, keep in mind that you are not limited to preparing a cake, pie, or cookies. You can bring any item that you have cooked or baked – you can bring your favorite snack. If you are able to make items for the sale, please contact Cheryl Dale (601-550-1785). We are looking forward to experiencing the culinary talent of the MEN of Calvary Baptist Church! 2. Each month, we focus on collecting an “item of the month.” By focusing on one particular item each month, we can start preparing for our Packing Party to be held later this year. It will also give the OCC team of volunteers an idea of how many boxes that we will be able to pack at the packing party and how much money we will need for shipping costs. During June, our item of the month will be toothbrushes. Keep in mind that you can bring any item during any time of the year. Donated items may be placed in the green box that is sitting in the hallway. 3. Continue to pray for the children who will receive these shoeboxes and learn about the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you are unfamiliar with the OCC ministry and have questions about the purpose of the ministry, how to become involved, or how to pack a shoebox, please contact Cheryl Dale or Anna Lowery. Declare His glory among the nations … (Psalm 96:3) TITHES & OFFERINGS (April 2022) Budget for year: 659,583 Total Needed Per Month: 54,965 Total Received this month: 43,949 Under Budget this month: 11,016 Total Needed year to date: 219,860 Total Received year to date: 201,154 Under budget year to date 18,706 Total Expenses Year to date: 175,574 Memorials: No Memorials this month Welcome to all New Members: Bailee Howell, Joey Hinton, Parker Bell, Josh Hobbie, Diana & Luther Holcomb News Letter April 2022Wow Calvary, Spring is here! I have completed my third month here and we have discovered a wonderful church family to be a part of at Calvary. There are many things to look forward to in the coming days of April. We will celebrate Holy Week with a different preacher and message each day beginning on Monday April 11th through Thursday April 14th over lunch in the Fellowship Hall each day at 12PM Noon. Then on Good Friday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 you can come at any time during that 2-hour period to take the Lord’s Supper on your own, or with friends and or, family. Hopefully this year the death, burial and resurrection of Christ will be even more meaningful than ever. We have put our best efforts forward to ensure this for you. “First Sunday” happens each month is our leadership meeting where every leader and volunteer can come together to share feedback and celebrate what God is doing throughout all the ministries of our church and where I can continue to share segments of the vision and strategy we are ramping up to at Calvary. Ii is important to focus on prayer as we approach Resurrection Sunday. Any who are willing would you fast and pray for salvations in our services each week as well as on Resurrection Sunday. I hope you are inviting people to what will be a great day in the life of our church. Sunday April 17th is a big day. We will have an 8am service followed by 9AM breakfast and family pictures. Then Life Groups at 9:45 and then an 11am worship service. Hopefully our nursery volunteers can attend the 8AM service and not have to miss a worship service on Resurrection Sunday. Last, but not least, let’s pray and plan toward summer. I am not sure anyone can afford to drive anywhere on vacation, with the price of gas these days but if you plan your vacation try to remember that the ministries of the church run 365 days per year and our stewardship of all God has entrusted to us continues even through the summer and we want to be faithful to worship through giving even in the summer when often people are not here as much and the other plans of life take us away. We want this summer to be a summer of salvations, baptisms and changed lives. Hey, I have to run now but I plan on seeing you on Sunday, every Sunday! Blessings in Christ, Andy Goode Acts 20:24 Calling all Families!!! We are so excited about our choirs starting back up, but we need your help. Sunday evening at 5 P.M. Students from Pre-school-Youth are meeting in the children’s wing to learn of God’s wonders through worship. Currently the choirs are practicing for a combined special with the adult choir during an upcoming Sunday morning worship service. Please encourage everyone you know to join us Sunday nights at 5. Anger! Is it ever a problem in your home? Do your children ever speak to you in angry, disrespectful tones? Do they ever fight between themselves? Have you ever lost your patience and composure when dealing with an infuriating situation in the home? Well, if you honesty answered "yes" to any of these questions, you need this book. Christian families, especially those in which the children are home for most of the day, experience episodes of frustration and anger. This new book deals with anger's root causes, offering corrective advice from a biblical perspective. Pastor and radio-teacher John MacArthur, Jr. has said, "This book goes beyond the external manifestations of anger and deals with the internal source—the thoughts and intents of the heart. I know of no other book that addresses this problem with such practical and applicable biblical wisdom." The D6 class is staring a new section covering parenting tips for angry children, and angry adults! If you want biblical council to help with addressing issues of anger, please join us Sunday nights at 5 P.M. Psalm 19 Youth Trip Date: June 23-26 Place: Sevierville, TN Cost: $120 Psalm 19 reminds us that creation’s purpose is to point us back to God. This trip will allow students to reset their priorities for the coming year and take time to relax in God’s beautiful creation. Hiking, floating, Mountain views, etc.…. don’t miss out on a great adventure! Wednesday Nights 6 P.M. Old Sanctuary Hello Church Family, Calvary Baptist Church is offering its first GriefShare ministry to our church and the community. For those of you who are unaware of this program, it is a support group for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. GriefShare is a 13-week, biblically-based program that includes a personal workbook, a video seminar, and group discussion each session. We averaged 15 participants during the month of March consisting of church members and others from the community. The thing we have in common is our struggle as we go through the grieving process, and we have discovered we are not alone in our journey. As group leader, a Bible verse that comes to mind is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” But, have you ever noticed Philippians 4:14 which says: “Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.” (NIV) And this, Church Family, is what GriefShare is all about. Sincerely, Mary Baughn Preschool and Children's Ministry Dear Church Family, Look over the information and dates below to find out how your child(ren) can join us here at Calvary: Life Groups: We have Life Groups each Sunday morning at 9:45am, classes are available for babies through 6th grade! Bring your kids to come join us! Wednesday Night: During the month of April, we will continue learning from the history section of the Old Testament! Join us each week at 6:15pm! VBS 2022!!!: VBS will be here before you know it! Our theme this year is Monumental! During this week at VBS we will be learning about and celebrating God’s greatness! Dates: 06/05/2022-06/09/2022 from 5:30pm-8:30pm with family night on 06/10/2022! Online registration is now open! You can do this at: myvbs.org/calvaryoakgrove Like and follow us on Facebook! Our pages is called “Calvary Baptist Children’s Ministry!” On our Facebook page you will find photos of all that we are doing as well as announcements on how you or your children can be involved here at Calvary! In Christ, Andrew McNeese Dear Friends, As Easter approaches, we are reminded of our Savior's suffering and death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins--yet He rose victorious from the grave! What a joyous celebration time, but still we are often burdened with the weight and cares of life. We may have lost a loved one; suffered health issues; cried for a wayward child or grandchild; watched helplessly as world events shatter the lives of good people. Sometimes we may feel God has forgotten us--that He is far away. I was reading some verses in Isaiah when I was struck by God's words in Chapter 49: "I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." We know we are never forgotten or forsaken when we look on Jesus' nail-scarred hands. "Are you walking alone through the shadows dim? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Christ will comfort your heart, put your trust in Him. Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand." Events in April: Thursday, April 7th: Movie night fellowship at church at 6:00 p.m. A light supper will be provided. Tuesday, April 12th: Monthly Birthday Breakfast at Lake Serene Grocery on Hwy 11 at 8 a.m. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 7:45. Tuesday, April 26th: Monthly Luncheon/Business gathering at the church at 11:30 a.m. Bring a dish and a good appetite. In Christ, Rita Futral Happy Easter to all of our Calvary family!! Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support of our Kilsby ministry. We have seen several of these children grow into almost adults. We have already had 2 go through Youth Challenge at Camp Shelby. Now we have several that will be graduating from Oak Grove High school in the next few years. Please pray for these young adults as they launch out into the world. We know all of them are capable of great things. Speaking of great things, did you know that we have a new pastor? I am kidding, of course you know! Andy is really challenging us to use our God-given talents to reach people in our community. I am about to get into trouble but that’s ok. When someone asks you to do something, you can always ask for forgiveness later. When this ministry started a whole lot of years ago, we had some good ideas and a little foundation. When Karen Lott got involved, the whole thing exploded. These kids love her and listen to her and respond to her. Karen would tell you she is nothing special. She is obedient. She is faithful. She loves people. She is just one person making a huge impact for some kids, not only in their physical day-to-day lives but also spiritually. If being with a bunch of crazy, loud kids on a weekly basis isn’t your thing, that’s ok. You have a thing and God expects you to go out and do those things in His name. You can do it! We are honored and privileged to talk about Christ every week with our Kilsby kids and we would love to have you any time! W.I.N.G.S.We had a wonderful Craft night painting ceramic cross. I never realized we have so many talented artists! All 21 turned out beautiful! There are many events planned for April and I hope as many women as possible will come join us! 1) April 18th from 6:30 - 8pm Kickoff event for cohosting a Women’s Conference with Temple Baptist in October, Jennifer Rothschild will be zooming in our planning meeting. We need women to volunteer to help with this conference! Contact Jenalee Coleman 601-408-8893. 2) April 23 from 8am - 10:30am - Walk for Hope (Longleaf Trace Trail - Gateway Southern Miss) Funds raised for life-saving ministry of Hope Clinic, come and walk or sponsor a walker, contact team liaison Angela Holston 601-641-8463 for more information. 3) April 23 leave church at 1:30pm Chanda Pierce Concert $25 First Baptist Church Biloxi. Plan to eat around 4pm and be at church by 5:30. There are still spots available, contact Kristi Williamson 601-408-0952, sign-up in welcome center, please pay by April 10th. 4) April 25 - 6pm Game Night at Kristin Allen’s house, 197 Crystal Creek, Hattiesburg Bring an appetizer and come join the fun! We will be making baskets of snacks (collected during March) to take to different schools as an appreciation for our teachers. If you would like to help create baskets, please call Debbie McBee 425-466-0230. In May - Baby Bottle Boomerang for Hope Clinic, more details later If anyone is interested in providing meals for shut-ins or know of a shut-in needing meals please contact Cheryl Dale 601-550-1785 or Mary Baughn 601-946-3437. We want to take care of our people! Operation Christmas ChildWe appreciate the generous donations during our Bake Sale in March. We collected $741 in donations which can be used to pay the cost of shipping 82 boxes. We are blessed to have donations of stuffed animals during the months of February and March. These donations will be a great blessing to children receiving them. The OCC ministry team collects items throughout the year to use in the boxes that will be prepared at our Packing Party later this year. During the month of April, our “item of the month” will be soap. (Please remember that we must pack soap in the original packages. Homemade or medicated soap is not allowed due to possible issues with customs.) We will continue to collect stuffed animals since they are a wonderful “WOW” item in a shoebox. The “item of the month” or any other item you choose to donate may be placed in the green box that is sitting in the hall. We appreciate your support of the OCC ministry. Please continue to pray for the ministry and its impact on children around the world. TITHES & OFFERINGS (February 2022) Budget for year: 659,583 Total Needed Per Month: 54,965 Total Received this month: 59,526 Over Budget this month: 4,561 Total Needed year to date: 109,930 Total Received year to date: 106,492 Under budget year to date: 3,438 Total Expenses Year to date: 87,429 Memorials: |
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