Calvary Family: It is June and VBS is underway, I hope the July newsletter will be boasting of the work of Christ in our church and through each of you our Calvary volunteers.
We need to deal with some important items here in this month’s newsletter as a way of getting the discussion started. Let’s begin with Children’s Ministry. Our children’s ministry needs the utmost attention and our highest priority. I have some things to mention here that are not optional for us as a church if we are to be all that we can be in the Great Commission. 1. Background Checks: If you are a children’s worker or would like to be, we must have a background check completed on you. New workers will go through an orientation and personal interview which is part of our child safety protocol and our volunteer onboarding so that volunteers have the best possible opportunity serve Christ in our children’s ministry. 2. Check in and check out of children. As parents and grandparents, you will be expected to help us maintain the highest level of safety for our children by following the check-in and check-out procedures which has some additional expectations: a. We are going to as that older children not be in the nursery; older children should be in the appropriate area for their age. b. We will provide some guidelines on limiting who and how children are picked up from the nursery. c. As we increase security in our nursery, we will be limiting access to the nursery and children’s area but not limiting observation. This is the only way we can practice the highest degree of safety for our children. Please help us by setting an example of how to follow rules and guidelines. 3. Quality Classroom time is important. Our children’s teachers prepare lessons in advance, plan crafts and activities and it is important that we facilitate a learning environment that engages children. We strive to be more than a bay-sitting service at church. We are preparing the next generation of Christ followers, something we take seriously so think about interruptions and distractions that could arise by simply how and when a child is picked up and even by whom. (i.e. sometimes an older sibling might not realize that bursting into a room and shouting: “time to go” is a huge distraction to the entire class and disrespectful to our volunteers who plan and prepare with discipleship in mind.) 4. Adulting. I swore I would never use that word but it fits here. Come to church to be an adult either serving as teacher or leader in some area or by attending an adult class. When we have more adults in a children’s class than we do children, it is intimidating for children who are there to be a child and learn as a child. On a new subject but just talking about adulthood, let's discuss Life Groups. Your participation in a life group is essential to your growth as a Christian and as a church member. Christians are created to live in community, to share one another’s burdens, to know one another, pray for one another and to love one another. If you need help finding the right life group I want to help, please let me know. Also as adults who get to medical appointments on time, to jobs on time, to the theater on time, to a tee time on time and everything else, let’s remember Life Groups start at 9:45 and get there on time. Add some life, to Life Group, by bringing food, having fellowships and inviting your unchurched friends and neighbors to those fellowships. Looking ahead the next leaders meeting will be the first Sunday in August at 4PM. We are cancelling the June meeting because of VBS and the July meeting because it will be the Sunday before the 4th. We will also not hold evening services on the 4th . Here is a HUGE idea, when you see new faces at church or see new people joining invite them to your life group. Life Groups are important to our church and will ensure the continued growth of our church. Get a life…group today! Dr. Andy Goode, Lead Pastor From Worship Pastor Dr. Barndon Hardin Music Calvary Family, I wanted to let you know that I count it a privilege to serve and minister in this body of believers! You all continue to make my family and I feel welcome and we are looking forward to the months and years ahead! I want you to continue praying about how you can serve the Worship Ministry. We still need volunteers for out media team. I PROMISE that you do not have to be a tech genius to serve in this capacity! We have 3 opportunities to serve on the media team: 1. Slide Operator – responsible for the changing the slides on the screens. Minimal computer skills required (it is as simple as clicking a button). 2. Camera Operator – responsible for moving cameras for our livestream. A steady hand is all that is required. 3. Sound Operator – responsible for mixing audio during worship services. This position requires a good ear, but no prior experience is required. Training will be provided for each of these positions and it would greatly benefit our congregation and our current volunteers who are serving weekly. We will be launching an orchestra in the near future. I have already had a few people who have expressed interest. Did you play an instrument in high school/college? Are you in the band? We would love for you to join us! Please reach out to me if you are interested. Expected launch date is in the Fall. We also have opportunities to serve in the choir! If you enjoy singing, we would love for you to join us as we lead in congregational worship. No prior experience or music reading is required. The choir will be taking a few weeks off after Father’s Day to rest and rejuvenate for a brand-new choir season, which begins with our first rehearsal on July 20. Is July 20th the day YOU WILL JOIN THE CHOIR? Thank you for the kindness you have shown our family! May we never forget why we gather – to worship the triune God, who is the only one worthy of our praise! It is Him alone who calls us to worship, how will you respond? I leave you with the benediction (blessing) from the book of Jude, verses 24 & 25: Now to him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory, without blemish and with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen. In Christ, Brandon From Chase Coleman: Youth Ministry Due to the business of our summer schedule, D6, will be taking a break until August. All parents and grandparents of any age are welcome as we discuss the biblical call of raising a God-centered family! Psalm 19 Youth Trip Date: June 23-26 Place: Sevierville, TN Cost: $120… Balance due June 22 nd Psalm 19 reminds us that creation’s purpose is to point us back to God. This trip will allow students to reset their priorities for the coming year and take time to relax in God’s beautiful creation. Hiking, floating, Mountain views, etc.…. don’t miss out on a great adventure! Super Summer Date: July 11-15th Balance Due: July 10th $120 Preschool and Children's Ministry Children’s Choir will continue to meet Sunday nights at 5 P.M. There will be a special combined choir performance Sunday morning June 19th to celebrate Father’s Day. Children’s Choir isn’t just about learning new songs as each night we discuss the biblical statement each song promotes. We encourage all families with children to participate as we learn foundational TRUTHS about God! From Senior Adult Ministry I recently ate at a local Mexican restaurant with friends. After asking the waiter a question about the food, I said chili relleno please and pointed to a number on the menu, which was a combo plate including a chili relleno. When my food arrived, I had three items (two of which I didn't recognize) but no chili relleno. It seemed easier to just eat what I was served rather than trying to get another order with a chili relleno. It was obvious that a waiter who spoke very little English could not easily understand a southerner trying to order a Mexican dish. We often have problems communicating with other folks. Sometimes what we say just doesn't sound like what we mean. Proverbs 21:23 tells us: "Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity." But how do we "guard our mouth and tongue?" James 1:19 tells us: "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," Events in June: Tuesday, June 14th: Monthly Birthday Breakfast at Lake Serene Grocery on Hwy 11 at 8 a.m. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 7:45. Tuesday, June 28th: Monthly Luncheon/Business gathering at the church at 11:30 a.m. Bring a dish and a good appetite. In Christ, Rita Futral KILSBY Summer is here!!! Our Kilsby kiddos look forward to VBS each year. We have approximately 25 kids who will be attending. Please be in prayer for them. If you would like to show them some love, prayerfully consider purchasing a VBS T-shirt for one (or more) of them. The cost this year for the shirts is around $8. Please mark on your contribution KILSBY MINISTRY. For His Glory Alone! W.I.N.G.S. Hello Calvary Ladies, I forgot to mention in our last newsletter that we were able to make 3 baskets from the food donated for teacher appreciation. Teachers from Sumrall High, Oak Grove Upper and Lamar Christian enjoyed our snacks and I hope they felt our gratitude for all they do for our youth. Many of our Church attended and enjoyed watching Summer & our Oak Grove students preform in Shrek the Musical, nice job! We also have several meals made and frozen for Mission in the Kitchen, these meals will be available for emergencies such as illnesses & death but also for our shut-ins. Please add to the frozen meals, they will be used! Thank you to all the ladies who have made these meals!!! Our June events: 1) June5th - June 9th. Vacation Bible School Please come and help - there’s the perfect job for you! 2) June 13th - from 6:30 - 8pm planning for Women’s Conference at Temple Baptist Buy your tickets ASAP - $35 before June 12th or $44 afterwards Calvary family, I wanted to make you all aware of a fantastic ministry opportunity coming up in a few short months. WINGS, our women’s ministry, has partnered with Temple Baptist Church and countless other churches in the surrounding area to bring Jennifer Rothschild and her Fresh Ground Faith ministry to our community. The event will be October 7-8 th at Temple Baptist Church. The WINGS ministry is offering an extra discount of $35 for all tickets purchased on or before June 12th . Tickets will be $44 after June 12th . If you are unable to attend the event but would like to sponsor a ticket to bless someone else, we would welcome your donation! To purchase your ticket, go to the Welcome Desk before or after each worship service and fill out the signup sheet. Please do not put your ticket money in the offering plate as we want to guarantee your purchase is counted! If you would like to volunteer for the event or have any questions regarding the event, please see Jenalee Coleman. Now Until Father’s Day - June 19th. Baby Bottle Boomerang Pickup your empty bottle in the Foyer or the Hall, fill it with money to support Hope Clinic to further their mission to serve mother’s and their babies within our community. We appreciate any amount given! Looking ahead - We will start a new Bible Study on August 1st: “Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover” by Jennifer Rothchild Please pray for me as I am in Oklahoma taking care of my friend going through intense experimental cancer treatment, I miss all of you and will be praying for you! Debbie McBee Operation Christmas Child Ministry In 2021, the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) ministry of Samaritan’s Purse was able to reach children in more than 100 countries and territories. Through the ministry of shoeboxes, more than 9.1 million gifts were distributed to children. In the words of Franklin Graham, “Every shoebox represents an opportunity to reach one more child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Each year, Calvary members can support this ministry in several ways. • Families and individuals can pack shoeboxes and bring them to our Dedication Service. • Members can donate items to be used to fill boxes at our annual Packing Party. • Members can donate money to be used to ship the boxes filled at our Packing Party. • Members can participate in the annual Packing Party to fill shoeboxes with donated items. Samaritan’s Purse has announced that the cost of shipping a shoebox has increased from $9 per box to $10 per box this year. The OCC team will have several opportunities during the year for everyone to contribute to the cost of shipping the boxes packed at our Packing Party. Our first fundraiser was held in March when ladies in the church prepared items for a Bake Sale. At the sale, the Calvary family generously donated $741 that will be applied toward shipping costs. Three ways that you can support this ministry during the month of June are listed below. 1. Mark your calendars -- We are planning to have our second fundraiser on JUNE 12. We will have another Bake Sale that will begin at 9:30 before Life Groups meet. Please note that this will NOT be an ordinary Bake Sale -- The MEN of Calvary will be baking and/or cooking for this fundraiser! We are challenging the MEN bakers/cooks to bring irresistible items to sell so that we can exceed the donations of $741 from our last fundraiser. MEN, keep in mind that you are not limited to preparing a cake, pie, or cookies. You can bring any item that you have cooked or baked – you can bring your favorite snack. If you are able to make items for the sale, please contact Cheryl Dale (601-550-1785). We are looking forward to experiencing the culinary talent of the MEN of Calvary Baptist Church! 2. Each month, we focus on collecting an “item of the month.” By focusing on one particular item each month, we can start preparing for our Packing Party to be held later this year. It will also give the OCC team of volunteers an idea of how many boxes that we will be able to pack at the packing party and how much money we will need for shipping costs. During June, our item of the month will be toothbrushes. Keep in mind that you can bring any item during any time of the year. Donated items may be placed in the green box that is sitting in the hallway. 3. Continue to pray for the children who will receive these shoeboxes and learn about the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you are unfamiliar with the OCC ministry and have questions about the purpose of the ministry, how to become involved, or how to pack a shoebox, please contact Cheryl Dale or Anna Lowery. Declare His glory among the nations … (Psalm 96:3) TITHES & OFFERINGS (April 2022) Budget for year: 659,583 Total Needed Per Month: 54,965 Total Received this month: 43,949 Under Budget this month: 11,016 Total Needed year to date: 219,860 Total Received year to date: 201,154 Under budget year to date 18,706 Total Expenses Year to date: 175,574 Memorials: No Memorials this month Welcome to all New Members: Bailee Howell, Joey Hinton, Parker Bell, Josh Hobbie, Diana & Luther Holcomb
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